I have a bunch of books in my office that clients are welcome to borrow. Please let me know if you are interested in reading any of them. I do ask for a $20 fully refundable deposit for any item I lend out just in case they don't come back and I need to replace them =) Subjects include:
Click on the thumbnail to see the full cover and scroll through the other books Placenta Tincture
Have you ever heard of Rescue Remedy? If so, I like to think of a placenta tincture as your own personalised version.
A thumbnail size piece of your raw placenta is steeped in vodka for 6 weeks. After this time it is ready to strain, resulting in a powerful remedy which embodies your placenta's hormonal, mineral and nutritional quality. Similar to a homeopathic remedy where the principle of healing is 'like cures like'. Perfect for when you are challenged or feeling out of balance, this remedy, your own remedy, will always be there to help you regain your equilibrium.
You can order a placenta tincture separately or as part of your placenta encapsulation package.
Elemental Beginnings will provide you with:
The surprising reasons you need a postnatal doulaYou can Prepare Before Birth
During your pregnancy, you read up about postpartum traditions around the world, belly-binding, found countless DIY blogs on the net to make this and that for your post-birth sore bits and your good friends have even offered to bring over a couple of meals for you. So you figure you've got this fourth-trimester thing covered and have no need for a postnatal doula right!
"In 2014 the proportion of [South Australian] women giving birth by caesarean section was 34%, a proportion that has been relatively stable for several years. Of those who had previously given birth, 31% had previously had a caesarean section. Only 15.9% of women had a vaginal birth following a previous first caesarean without intervening births, compared with 30% in 1998 (when data first collected). The main reasons given for caesarean section were previous caesarean section (37%) failure to progress in labour or cephalopelvic disproportion (26%) fetal distress (14%) and malpresentation (11%)." SOURCE This means that approximately 1 in 3 women in South Australia will give birth via major surgery. This surgery may be chosen in advance as an elective c-section or may happen after labour has started (known as an emergency cesarean). So how can a Doula help you if you have a Cesarean ? Here are 6 ways I can support you if you are birthing in Adelaide: 1. I will talk through your options with you and help fill in any knowledge gaps you may have. Options like who will announce baby's sex, who will cut the umbilical cord or will you leave baby attached to their placenta for a while, the benefits of skin-to-skin contact with baby after birth or you might want to discuss your options for pain relief with your care providers. Having a birth plan isn't necessarily about avoiding a certain outcome, it is about going through your knowledge, understanding and preferences and putting them on paper so that those supporting you are on the same page. 2. While you are waiting and being prepped for surgery, I can provide you with relaxation techniques, acknowledge any feelings you may have about this birth, give you a massage and honour the impending arrival of your child. I can support your partner by reminding them to look after themselves so that they are in the best position to look after you. 3. With c-sections there is a greater chance that your baby will need special care and often your partner will go with your baby leaving you alone. This can be a scary and lonely time for you but a doula will stay with you providing continuity of care and may act as a liaison between you, staff and your partner to keep you updated on how baby is doing. 4. If your doctor allows me into theatre with you, I can take pictures of your child being born to create tangible memories of what you couldn't see. I can reassure you and your partner about what is happening. 5. If I can't go into the operating room with you, I will wait for you either in the recovery area or in your room. I might accompany other family members and help explain the process to them. A doula can ease fears and provide comfort at a caesearean birth. 6. After the birth, another advantage of a knowledgeable doula is helping to get breastfeeding established. This can be challenging after a c-section as baby may be sleepy from the medications and you may need to try different positions to avoid hurting your surgery site. If baby has gone to NICU / SCBU, a doula can help get pumping going so you can provide the best possible nourishment for your baby and begin to establish your supply of breastmilk. 7. Finally, once baby is earthside and you have had a few days to get to know each other, you might want to debrief your experience. Having someone who was there to help you remember all the details you might not and to process everything you (and your partner) have been through is important. The one thing that consistently determines whether a woman has a positive birth, is not how the baby comes out, but rather how she is treated by those around her. Respect is important. No matter what a woman chooses, it is her choice and decision to make on how she will give birth. Its that control and respect that allows her to step into her power and have a positive birth. AuthorKelly is a birth and postnatal doula in Adelaide. She is currently providing birth coaching and support for women planning an elective c-section or induction on a known date at the Women's and Children's Hospital, Lyell McEwin Hospital, Calvary, Burnside or North Eastern Community private hospitals. Resources for Pregnancy & Infant lossIn-person Support Elemental Beginnings As a trained Birth & Bereavement Doula, Kelly is able to provide you with physical and emotional support before, during and after the birth of your baby in any trimester. This may be guidance over the phone, resources via email or in-person doula care at hospital or your home. All bereavement services are by donation. Please contact me for more information or see my Bereavement Support page Bloom Wellbeing Sarah is registered with Medicare for Better Access to Mental Health Care program and can support women with mental health OT support through pregnancy loss or birth trauma. For pregnancy loss she will bulk bill her services. http://www.bloomwellbeing.com.au/ Ignite Art Therapies Bel uses art therapy to inspire individuals to acknowledge and transition through life while realising their own possibilities. http://www.ignitearttherapies.com.au Dr Heather Mattner Perinatal Health Psychologist & Midwife 83 Mount Barker Rd Stirling, South Australia, 5152 M: 0414 499 544 Gemma Johnson Psychology Gemma provides her services from Hyde Park for: Anxiety Panic Attacks Trauma including EMDR Women’s Health including pregnancy and IVF Workplace Issues Worrying (Generalised Anxiety Disorder) Social and other phobias http://www.gemmajohnsonpsychology.com/ Hanna Beaven Psychology Challenges falling pregnant Pregnancy related issues Grief & loss 267 Fullarton Road, Parkside 0455 140 400 www.hannabeavenpsychology.com.au/ Local organisations SANDS SANDS offer support/counselling in a group or one on one capacity. They also do coffee mornings at a playground. There's an extensive library that families are welcome to borrow from and events held throughout the year to commemorate babies who've died http://www.sands.org.au/ Sids & Kids SA SIDS and Kids SA provides free bereavement support to individuals and families who experience or are affected by the sudden unexpected death of a baby or child from conception to six years of age. This includes miscarriage, stillbirth, neonatal deaths, SIDS and accidental deaths. SIDS and Kids SA has been providing support to families for 40 years. https://www.sidssa.org/ Anglicare SA Free weekend camps for bereaved children and young people who have lost a parent, sibling or other significant person. Star Bear is for children aged between five and 12-years old while Star Bound is for teens aged up to 17. There are two Star Bear and one Star Bound camp each year and camps are held in the Adelaide Hills. Children and young people are paired with trained volunteer mentors and experience therapeutic sessions, sports, games and arts and crafts. https://anglicaresa.com.au/mental-health-disability/loss-grief/loss-grief-camps/ Compassionate Friends (SA) Compassionate Friends is part of a world wide support organisation for bereaved parents. This is regardless of the age of the child at death or the manner of death. Services provided include monthly support groups in 3 metropolitan locations, telephone support to members, a bi-monthly newsletter, a range of brochures and a resource library. A CandleLight service is held in December each year. Some support is also provided to siblings and grandparents. M: 0456 820 133 E: [email protected] Human Milk for Human Babies SA HM4HB provides an online space where mothers can connect with other families to donate their breastmilk. Some mothers find it purposeful and healing to donate their breastmilk to another baby. https://www.facebook.com/HM4HBsa/ Online Resources Still Aware They encourage and support dialogue around the realities of loss, in order to break the silence and taboo surrounding stillbirth. Still Aware is invested in sharing stillbirth research and actively lobbies for stillbirth to be listed and remain on the policy agenda at a national level http://stillaware.org/ Red Nose Grief & Loss Formerly SIDS & Kids, with over 40 years’ experience supporting grieving individuals and families, they understand the sudden or unexpected death of a baby or young child is one of the most difficult experiences any person will go through. Their website has been developed to connect individuals and families to a range of support options, useful resources and information. https://rednosegriefandloss.com.au/ Still Birth Day Support prior to, during and after birth in any trimester http://www.stillbirthday.com Grieflink Grieflilnk is an online information resource for the bereaved and grieving, their carers, friends and colleagues, and for health and welfare workers http://www.grieflink.org.au/ Women's & Children's Hospital Information on grief and children http://www.wch.sa.gov.au/support/grief/grief_home.html Keepsakes & Mementos Commemorative Birth Certificate Commemorative Certificates for Early Loss of Pregnancy are available from Births, Deaths and Marriages (BDM) to commemorate deliveries that are not able to be registered under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996. A commemorative certificate may not be used for official purposes and is provided free of charge. Early Loss of Pregnancy Birth certificate application Heartfelt Heartfelt is a volunteer organisation of professional photographers from all over Australia dedicated to giving the gift of photographic memories to families that have experienced stillbirths, premature and ill infants and children in the Neonatal Intensive Care Units of their local hospitals, as well as children with serious and terminal illnesses. Heartfelt is dedicated to providing this gift to families in a caring, compassionate manner. All services are provided free of charge. https://www.heartfelt.org.au/ Bears of Hope Bears Of Hope Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support provides leading support and exceptional care for families who experience the loss of their baby. They seek to provide crucial information and embrace families during their difficult time of loss, and beyond. http://www.bearsofhope.org.au/ Angel Gowns Angel Gowns Australia provide services to bereaved families who have suffered the unimaginable stillbirth or death of their baby, families who are or have gone through the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit or families who are impacted on by a child's life-limiting illness or special needs. From donated wedding dresses they lovingly hand craft Angel Gown garments which are then donated to hospitals, funeral homes and directly to families through special orders http://angelgownsaustralia.org.au/ Funeral Information General information on arranging a funeral from the SA Governement https://www.sa.gov.au/topics/family-and-community/when-someone-dies Frequently asked questions about funerals from the Australian Funeral Directors Association http://www.afda.org.au/faq/general-information
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freebiesPrepare for an easier fourth trimester with these 25 Secrets From A Postnatal Doula!
About MeKelly Harper is the owner of Elemental Beginnings Doula & Placenta Services in Adelaide. She provides sleep consultancy, placenta encapsulation and doula services to families during pregnancy, birth and in their fourth trimester. |
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